• Semester Work

    Self Assessment Essay

    At the beginning of this semester in phase one I learned to analyze poems, videos, etc for rhetorical strategies. I then used that experience to create my language and literacy narrative. After this I learned to receive and give constructive criticism through peer reviews. Working with my classmates for these peer reviews helped me when I eventually did the peer profile assignment in phase two in which I learned how to conduct an interview by asking questions to gain an interesting or thorough response from my classmate. In phase three I learned how to create an effective thesis, how to research for credible sources to support my thesis, and drafting…

  • Semester Work

    Research Essay

    Cover Letter Dear readers,   The topic for my research essay is inspired by my PIG paper, a research paper I did for AP Government. However, instead of writing about gun control, I wrote about capital punishment for this research paper.  This essay is intended for those interested in learning about the history and controversies surrounding capital punishment, as well as finding  reasons to support or go against capital punishment when formulating their own opinion after reading this research paper.  As it relates to language and literacy Some meaningful insights I’ve made in this phase through working on this assignment are reinforcing the importance of having a clear and strong thesis,…

  • Semester Work

    Peer Profile

    Cover Letter Dear reader,  This peer profile is about my classmate Timothy Wood. In order to write this peer profile Timothy and I interviewed each other about our interests, our dislikes, our wants, more specifically what we aim to accomplish with our respective college degrees after we graduate, etc.  This peer profile is also an extension of our WLLN where we talked about our relationship with language. We continued off of that and our similar experiences growing up under parents from the Dominican Republic which led to our shared love of things like anime, manga, art, video games due to how we were raised by our families. Due to this,…

  • Semester Work

    Written Language & Literacy Essay

    Cover Letter In all the readings and videos we have looked at so far, the authors appeal heavily to their audience’s pathos by using their own personal experiences or the personal experiences of other people. This persuades their audience who don’t have these experiences to sympathize and/ or change their behavior. And it also comforts those who do share these experiences by letting them know they aren’t alone or any less even if they are different racially, culturally, etc. In order for the author to appeal to the audience’s pathos, they must have an ethos which is their personal experiences which gives them credibility to talk about issues of discrimination,…

  • Semester Work

    English 110

    Hello! My name is Louis Suarez and this is my portfolio for English 110. Phase 1 is the Language & Literacy Narrative, Phase 2 is the Peer Profile, Phase 3 is the Research Essay, & Phase 4 is the Self Assessment Essay. Click ‘Semester Work’ above to see my work. Enjoy.